GP Implants Ltd introduces the DNT Integral Stopper Drills, the perfect solution for sinus lifting procedures. With unmatched accuracy, these drills prevent over-drilling and potential complications during osteotomies. Enjoy seamless and safe drilling to exact depth with no mistakes.
Our DNT drills feature high cutting power, corrosion resistance, and reliability. Minimize vibrations and heat generation for controlled and precise work. The drills come in a special autoclavable plastic box, with length marks that stay visible in harsh conditions. The kit features drills with diameters Ø2.0, Ø2.8, Ø3.2, Ø3.65, Ø4.0, and Ø4.5 mm and lengths of 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 11.5, and 13.0 mm, allowing for precise and accurate drilling during sinus lifting procedures.
The DNT Dark Grey coating increases apex stability, reducing vibrations and cutting temperature for optimal performance. The drills are universal in size and compatible with most implant sizes. They adjust the socket for reduced pressure and increased stability, promoting earlier bone apposition and stability.
Choose GP Implants Ltd's DNT Integral Stopper Drills for optimal osseointegration and a seamless healing process. Get it now with the purchase of 45 implants in this deal.
SSI is the optimal solution for immediate implantation and immediate loading. The SSI dental implant has exceptional self-drilling capabilities and a unique spiral body design which enables it to change its position during placement and obtain very high primary stability even in very complicated clinical cases.
Drilling Protocol
Drill sequence by bone type -
An additional 1 mm must be added to the length of the drill to account for the angled cutting tip.
D-I, D-II Dense bone considerations -
Countersink should be used if the standard dense bone protocol is not sufficient to fully seat the implant without exceeding the recommended maximum insertion torque of max. 60Ncm for implant Ø3.75mm and above. Do not exceed max. 45Ncm for implants diameter lower than 3.75mm.